New Look, New Feel for iTEP exams

The ???New Look, New Feel??? of iTEP exams has been two years in the making and has resulted in a more modern user interface, new useful features, and additional testing content.
History of the English language

English is the official language of over 50 countries throughout the world. With 20% of the world speaking English, the questions beckon, “where did it start? How did English travel to such a vast area spanning the entire globe? Where does the English language stand today?” As we explore the popular language’s depths, consider how […]
Central Michigan University Spotlight

Central Michigan University has been an iTEP Partner since 2020. The brand-new partnership began in early summer 2020 with the utilization of the iTEP Academic test.
Everything You Need To Know About Prepositions

Most English speaking people recall only a handful of common prepositions, but in reality, there are about 150 different prepositions. Three of these prepositions are in the top ten most commonly used words in the English language: of, to, and in. What are prepositions, are there more than one type, and if there are prepositions, […]
Montverde Academy Spotlight???

Montverde Academy has been an iTEP Partner since 2011 utilizing the iTEP SLATE-Plus for both international admissions and on-campus (now at-home) English language evaluation.
iTEP in Northwest India

Educators in the northwest district of India have added a new tool in their toolbox: iTEP.
How to improve your English language skills

In this article, we focus on why you should improve your English, the top points to focus on, what makes English so difficult, and how you can use techniques to improve your spoken English skills.
Niagara Christian Collegiate Adopts iTEP Tests

Niagara Christian Collegiate (NCC) has adapted iTEP SLATE for evaluation of high school-level students of English as a second language.
iTEP: The ???Pragmatic??? Choice for Thailand

iTEP’s new partner, Pragmatic, was founded by Rose Marie Wanchupela and her late husband, Prinya. It operates in Nonthaburi, Thailand.
Cambridge Network and St. Mary???s School Select iTEP

Cambridge Network in collaboration with St. Mary???s School of Medford, OR, is proud to select the International Test of English Proficiency (iTEP) as its official English language evaluation for St. Mary???s Online Academy.