iTEP Now a Major Player in Japan

Kawai Juku, one of the largest education companies in Japan, will offer a new English assessment test entirely adapted from iTEP

Using data to visualize and evaluate placement and procedures in an IEP

This article, which originally appeared on LinkedIn, is part 2 of a four-part series on the quantitative approach to IEP evaluation. In this part, we will look at some illustrative example sample data and discuss what that data may reveal. We will also examine the sorts of changes it could motivate administrators and teachers to […]

The right way to use test data to improve an English language program

Using Test Data to Improve an English Language Program If you’re an administrator or a teacher at an intensive English language program (IEP), the above statements probably sound familiar. Though common, such sentiments are all too often vaguely expressed and based on anecdote. This can create tension between administrators, teachers, and students. An IEP administrator […]

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