MEXiTEP Soars Into Conference Season

iTEP International, makers of the International Test of English Proficiency suite of English assessment tools has seen substantial and rapid growth in Mexico since establishing its first international office in Guadalajara in January. The growth can be measured by the following metrics through Q3 year-over-year.

– 102% increase in test administrations
– 100% increase in number of schools currently using iTEP SLATE
– 60% increase in number of schools currently using iTEP Academic

iTEP’s growth in Mexico is poised to continue as the company prepares to exhibit and present at two major conferences in the country over the next month. Visitors to the iTEP booth at either conference can fill out a prospective iTEP test center application, and qualified organizations will receive a complimentary iTEP pilot project, sponsored entirely by iTEP.

Those who begin working with iTEP for their English assessment needs in Mexico will be in good company. iTEP recently entered into partnerships with several well-known institutions in the country.

Universidad de Guadalajara is now using iTEP Academic-Plus for its internal evaluations of both ESL professors and students.
Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP) is a group of 8 semi-private high schools that have very high academic standards and a bilingual curriculum. They are now using iTEP to assess their ESL students.
UCLA’s study abroad program is now accepting iTEP Academic-Plus scores of 5 or better for admissions into its programs, which are quite popular with Mexican students

“It has been a whirlwind year in which we have made a great deal of fruitful partnerships and laid the groundwork for others,” says MEXiTEP Executive Director Michael Salenko, who is overseeing MEXiTEP. “We look forward to the conferences this fall, working with an increasing number of Mexican institutions, and helping Mexican students apply to study in the US or Canada affordably and conveniently.”

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