In 2014, Tree of Life Christian School needed to find an English proficiency exam to assess the potential of international students. The pre-admissions process for potential students included a 90-minute interview with the International Program Director, Terri Fraser, to gauge their conversation skills and ability to adapt to the school’s program. Once international students were accepted, they took annual exams to track their progress. Tree of Life needed one exam to suit both situations. The exam also had to be easy to set up, compatible with the school’s technology, and provide accurate results quickly. With previous experience implementing iTEP in another international program, Director Fraser recommended iTEP as a solution. Tree of Life Christian School selected the iTEP SLATE (Secondary Level Assessment Test of English) exam as their primary English proficiency assessment option for pre-admission and progress tracking. The iTEP SLATE assessed students to help the International Program gain and share insights into students’ abilities and make informed decisions about student placement and learning needs. The exam allowed applicants to test in their home country while accepted students could test on campus. The iTEP SLATE-Core exams were compatible with the school’s Chromebooks and offered almost immediate Grammar, Listening, and Reading results.

The Problem

The Approach

The Solution

I will definitely continue promoting iTEP to other schools that talk to me because I do like how easy it is, and that there’s a person I can talk to versus just chatting [with a robot]

iTEP International, LLC
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