iTEP, or International Test of English Proficiency, is an English assessment test designed to be more convenient, comprehensive, and affordable for students and administrators alike. It can be taken on-demand over 90 minutes from the comfort of your home or at secure test centers all over the world. In addition to iTEP’s detailed score report, administrators can access speaking and writing samples to get a more complete picture.

There are many types of iTEP exams…
From secondary education to the professional world, iTEP products satisfy a wide range of needs for test-takers, educators, and administrators — our catalog can be seen here.

A vote of confidence
“iTEP is an accurate and reliable measure of our students’ ability to speak English. It’s a very convenient test for them. It’s less expensive than other tests and we get the results much more quickly so we can make an admission decision without the student having to wait a long period of time. For us, iTEP has been a better measure of our students’ ability to be successful in their classes.”

Denise Kinsella, Associate Dean, International Education Center, Santa Monica College:

“I’ve been working in the international secondary school exchange field for more than 30 years and I have found that the SLATE test developed by iTEP International is by far the most reliable, secure, and user-friendly test available on the market. It gives secondary school admissions officers and counselors the necessary information to evaluate all aspects of students’ linguistic abilities: writing, reading, and understanding.”

Roger Riske, President Emeritus, Educational Resource Development Trust:

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iTEP International, LLC
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